
Top 10 Windows Mobile Applications – What’s on your device?

For those of you who are using a Windows Mobile device, Microsoft's Jason Langridge (aka Mr Mobile!) has written a post on his blog listing the Top 10 applications he uses on his Windows Mobile phone...

I haven’t posted a new version of this for a while and I just changed to a new Windows Mobile device so I thought I’d post a list of the Top 10 applications I install on my phone! These aren’t in any particular order :)

1) Guitar Hero III - a great game to play on your device - https://www.winplay.com/game/GuitarHeroMobile


2) Intelligolf - Excellent application for keeping track of your golf games - www.intelligolf.com


3) Sling player Mobile - A Slingplayer allows you to view your TV from your laptop or PC.  Sling player mobile allows you to do the same thing from your mobile device.  You can even control your home satellite or other source from your device! - https://www.slingmedia.com/go/spm-features


4) Live Search - this is a fabulous application actually written by Microsoft that allows you to connect to a wide variety of web services to get mapping information, local information such as restaurants and other services, gas prices, traffic and weather.  https://wls.live.com


5) SPB Insight - I've tried a wide variety of RSS readers but this is the one I always end up back using - https://www.spbsoftwarehouse.com/products/insight/?en


6) Suduko - I got hooked on Sudoku a long time ago.... https://www.astraware.com/ppc/featured/sudoku/?skucode=0047-000-0379


7) Communicator Mobile  - the secure IM client for Office Communications Server 2007 (OCS) - https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2EEA3E24-F216-4887-92B0-F37D942E26E0&displaylang=en


8) Power SMS – A great SMS utility for AutoReply and GroupSMS - Power SMS


9) TinyTwitter – I think this is the best client for Twitter on Windows Mobile right now! https://www.tinytwitter.com/


10) Windows Mobile WiFi Router – this allows you to turn your Windows Mobile device into a WiFi Access Point  - https://www.wmwifirouter.com/

Check out Jason's blog: Jason Langridge's WebLog - MR Mobile! : Top 10 Applications – What’s on your device? . He's always got great updates on the world of mobile!