
Sign-up for the new UK partner RSS feed

Microsoft are pleased to announce the launch of a new UK partner RSS Feed. The purpose of the RSS Feed is to keep up-to-date with UK partner specific news including the latest resources and initiatives to help support your business. Click here to subscribe now, ensuring you select to hear news relating to the Small Business Specialist Community (SBSC) as well as any other areas that interest you.

To be clear, we will NOT be closing down this UK SBSC blog, which some of you do choose to view in RSS Feed format. This is a forum that allows us to share more detailed information relevant to the UK SBSC partner channel. Key information that is relevant to the SBSC partner channel will be posted on the UK partner RSS feed but may  often link back to this UKSBSC blog.

Please do sign up to the UK partner RSS feed to ensure you are stay up to speed on all relevant partner specific news.