
Microsoft debuts quick fix clicks

The BBC News posted any article today about Microsoft's quick fix clicks. Here's how they describe it...

Microsoft debuts quick fix clicks

Fixit logo, Microsoft

Common Windows problems could soon be solved by clicking a "Fix It" button.

Microsoft has started putting the button on its web-based support pages that detail the most common problems hitting PC and Windows users.

Clicking the button kicks off a download that, once run, carries out the series of steps needed to fix a specific problem or remove a bug.

Microsoft also has plans to extend the click-to-fix system to help users recover from a crash.

The Fix It button now appears on about 100 support pages.

This all sounds very interesting... but the last comment is great:

"The best way to get help is to find someone that knows their way around computers,"

Cue: Microsoft certified Small Business Specialist partners!

BBC NEWS | Technology | Microsoft debuts quick fix clicks