
Call Ask Partner for product and licensing assistance

I'm frequently asked by partners who they can connect for assistance. Our two call centres are excellent sources of information, namely Ask Partner and the Regional Service Centre.

And as a FYI, the Ask Partner telephone number has changed and is now: 0844 800 6006. Ask Partner can help with general enquiries including Microsoft pre-sales product and service information including product, licensing and financing questions. Call the Ask Partner Hotline, which is available 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays via: 0844 800 6006. Or email: askpartner@microsoft-contact.co.uk. Please note that during the transition from the old number to the new, the old number for Ask Partner will still connect you to this service.

Meanwhile, the Regional Service Centre number remains the same and is: 0800 917 3128. The Regional Service Centre can assist with Action Pack, Empower and Microsoft Partner Network queries. Email the Regional Service Centre by logging your request at: https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/emailcontact.aspx?scid=sw;en-gb;1216&ws=partner.