
Updated SMB Website Launch Announcement

Hi All

I am delighted to announce the launch of our new UK ERP SMB website, with a ‘Starting from’ price displayed clearly at the top of the page.


This new site is fundamental to our SMB Volume strategy for FY13 and beyond. The site will act as a campaign in its own right, generating SMB leads to fuel the volume engine. Our volume
strategy is based on fixed price, ‘templated’ implementations of Dynamics NAV. The price is not an offer which is clearly stated within the disclaimer. However it is an illustration of what a ‘fixed priced’ solution may look like.
As we move forward with this campaign the more important it will be to align your marketing, sales and service strategies to this approach of packaged selling.

The price is based on a model which we have arrived at by working closely with our volume Partners. We will review this model and price on a frequent basis going forward to ensure it is
representative of packaged offerings.

Implementation tools such as RapidStart are available to help you build out generic templates which will simplify the deployment on NAV allowing Partners to quickly deploy NAV proving
a rapid return on Investment for our customers. Watch the video featuring RapidStart now on the NAV 2013 Launch Portal.


Please attend the NAV road shows, recently blogged, for more information.
