
Check out the new Test Lab Guide–Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess

imageGreat news! Last week we released the Release Candidate of UAG Service Pack 1. If you haven’t heard about this, then check out the UAG Team Blog post on this subject at https://blogs.technet.com/b/edgeaccessblog/archive/2010/10/21/announcing-forefront-uag-2010-service-pack-1.aspx

However, most organizations don’t want to deploy pre-release software in their production environment. I’ve always said “don’t make your production network your Test Lab” Smile

But you want to see all the new and cool things that UAG SP1 RC has to offer, especially the cool DirectAccess improvements. How do you do that?

Test Lab Guides!

You can test UAG SP1 RC in a safe and sane Test Lab using our new Test Lab Guide format. The new Test Lab Guide – Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess will walk you through configuring a basic working DirectAccess configuration using UAG SP1 RC. You’ll all see the new DirectAccess Monitor – which allows you to get information on who’s connecting through the DirectAccess tunnels.

There will be many more UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess Test Lab Guides published this week, so stay tuned!

Download the Test Lab Guide – Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess over at:




Tom Shinder
Microsoft DAIP iX/SCD iX
UAG Direct Access/Anywhere Access Group (AAG)
The “Edge Man” blog (DA all the time):
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