
Learning PowerShell

If you are involved with scripting at all you have probably heard about Powershell. Powershell is formerly known as MONAD. I will be posting some sample scripts here in the future but before reading those you should become familiar with some of the great Powershell/Monad sites out there:

Check out these links for great Powershell information:


Powershell Portal: https://www.microsoft.com/powershell

Powershell Team Blog: https://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/

Scripts.readify.net: https://scripts.readify.net/

Jeffrey Hicks’ Blog (former coworker!): https://jdhitsolutions.blogspot.com/

Keith Hill’s Blog: https://keithhill.spaces.msn.com/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c01_blogpart=blogmgmt&_c=blogpart

Powershell for Fun (includes Powershell remoting tools!): https://mshforfun.blogspot.com/

MOW Powershelled: https://mow001.blogspot.com/

There is also a PowerShell IDE available here: https://www.powershell.com/
