
Group Policy in Windows Vista Webcast

I will be posting over the next few months about all of the new management features in Vista.  It is easy to say that Vista will be the most "management" friendly OS that we have released to date.

To get you started you should really watch the webcast on some of the new Group Policy features in Vista available here: https://msevents.microsoft.com/cui/WebCastEventDetails.aspx?EventID=1032292773&EventCategory=5&culture=en-US&CountryCode=US


There are over 700 new policy settings in Vista and it can be a little overwhelming when you first load up the GPMC and look through all the settings.  You can download the settings reference guide here:


If you are new to managing the new ADMX format with Vista you should really read through the Step by Step Guide to Vista Group Policy.  You can download and read through it here:
