
New mini-module for installing Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) on EDGE1 published

Hey TLG enthusiasts,

I recently published Installing Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2010 on EDGE1. This new Test Lab Guide mini-module takes you through downloading and installing Forefront UAG 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) on the EDGE1 computer. After it is installed, you can begin experimenting with Forefront UAG 2010 remote access or reverse proxy scenarios or TLG authors (like myself) can use it for (future?) cross-product TLG scenarios and solutions.

Note that this mini-module is deliberately separate from the set of TLGs for UAG DirectAccess, written by my colleague Tom Shinder. Although you can manually run through your own UAG DirectAccess scenarios using this new mini-module, for a more prescriptive journey through demonstrating UAG DirectAccess, see Tom's UAG DirectAccess TLGs.

This mini-module assumes at a minimum the starting configuration of the Test Lab Guide: Base Configuration. It has no other dependencies, so it can theoretically be added anywhere in your stack.

Enjoy responsibly!


Joe Davies
Principal Writer