
Got 10 Minutes to Learn Something New?

At TechEd this year, many of the Microsoft Regional Directors recorded short ten minute technical presentations on their favourite technologies. If you've not come across the RDs, they're a smart bunch of independent developers and architects, most of whom make a living training and consulting on .NET. They include luminaries such as Carl Franklin (founder of .NET Rocks), Clemens Vasters (author of dasBlog), Rob Howard and Scott Watermasysk (authors of Community Server, the blogging software that runs this site), Juval Löwy (author of one of the best books on .NET Components), and Scott Stanfield (responsible via his Vertigo company for perhaps more .NET sample apps than anybody else in the world).

Anyway, about twenty of the RDs volunteered to record GrokTalks: no spin, precious little Powerpoint - simply a quick code-based intro to an emerging technology. They're great for downloading onto your laptop ready to play during an idle moment when you need to fill a gap or just need a mental break from whatever you're doing. Here are some of my favourites:

The full list is online at GrokTalks.