
What’s new in Visual Studio 2017 and .NET

This video looks at the changes incorporated throughout the Visual Studio 2017 IDE. You’ll see the IntelliSense  enhancements, including the new completion list filtering, code style analyzers and the language refactoring additions.  whatsnew

Also check out the changes in .NET Core tooling such as csproj and the new dotnet commands. Get a recap of recent .NET Core news. Refresh your knowledge of LTS and Current release trains. Learn about .NET and Docker. whatsnew-dotnet What’s New in the .NET Platform What’s new in Visual Studio Code What’s new for Desktop Developers in Visual Studio 2017 What’s new for UWP developers in Visual Studio 2017? New Features in C# 7.0 What’s New in F# 4.1 What’s new in Entity Framework Core