
Getting the SharePoint MCM Certification

Couple of days back program manager for SharePoint MCM did a post on master blog about new Masters. It's good to see myself in that elite list of true SharePoint experts. It was a great experience attending the program which helped me know what challenges the product has and many things which I was not aware of. I had been working with the product for 4 years but still came out of training with knowledge which I was missing earlier.

Spending three weeks with smartest and brightest classmates and best SharePoint instructors was rewarding experience. It's tough for sure with 3 written exam and a cruel :-) lab. But you will enjoy each and every moment of those 3 weeks. Best SharePoint training on the planet. What the program is all about and how to enroll, fee etc can be found here.

I will strongly encourage all the SharePoint experts to take this training and certification as it will help them in their professional career and also enhance their knowledge and skills.
