
New years resolution...get back into writing

With all the microblogging I do, I've found myself writing less informative blogs. I started a series for SharePoint How-tos then got very bored with that. Lately, I've been working on learning more about MVC and cloud computing; both of which perplex me. These aren't difficult technologies, but they do take experience to pick up. I feel like I'm going backwards in development when I use the Html.* helper class and write <% %> tags in the asp.net form (I left legacy ASP and never, ever want to go back!!!). Unfortunately, MVC is here to stay and so that makes it a legitimate obstacle for me to surmount.

Additionally, my hobby as a photographer has taken over more of my life than coding for fun. I enjoy it more than deciphering the latest Silverlight release, fiddling with SharePoint 2010 or tinkering with ASP.NET 4. I can't do it all, I guess...

My commitment is to begin writing again, although, I'm not committing myself to more than 12 entries this year (or one per month). With the betas of SharePoint 2010 and eventual release, I'm sure I'll have some ideas to blog more frequently.

Cheers and welcome 2010!