
How to change the logo in Office 365

One thing I had trouble finding was how to change the logo in my Office 365 tenant. It's not obvious and things are changing so rapidly, so I hope this helps some folks.

First, you'll need to navigate to the Office 365 Admin Settings from the Settings gear. This will take you to the Admin dashboard where you'll find a link in the top right corner.

This will take you to the Tenant customization settings page. Choose Custom Theming in the left navigation to get to the Manage Custom Themes view:

You can modify the following settings from here:

  • URL the suite bar navigates the user
  • Color of the suite bar
  • Color of the text links that appear to the right (this includes icons for notifications)
  • You can select from one of the selected colors to set as the Office 365 logo. Note, the words powered by and the logo for Office 365 are still displayed here.

