
Microsoft Tag!

Just stumbled across this neat new free offering called Microsoft Tag which allows you to give users with camera-enabled phones quick access to detailed information directly on thier mobile phone. You create a tag like the one below and then put it on any website or printed material. User's can download a Tag Reader application from https://gettag.mobi directly to thier phone (a large number of devices is currently supported) and this application will read the tag and redirect the user to to the appropriate website. No more fumbling on the keyboard of the phone to take notes etc. It works great!

While there are other similar tagging systems out there that use a variation of a bar-code, what makes this one unique is the distinct colored patterns that make it very forgiving when the application tries to read the tag. In my tests, I didn’t even have to hold the phone steady. Once it ‘saw’ the pattern it locks in on it and immediately starts your browser to redirect you to the website.

Sujit's MSDN Blog Tag
