
My impressions of Microsoft’s Arc Touch Mouse

Arc Touch Mouse

Okay, this is hardly a surprise now given all the leaks and peeks but I thought I’d give you my impressions of the Arc Touch Mouse having played with one of these a few weeks back. Todd Bishop nails is pretty well in his summary – this isn’t an Apple Magic Mouse competitor and though there is some funky touch tech in the “scroll wheel” the really interesting part of this mouse is it’s ability to fold flat. The current Arc mouse is a lovely design IMHO and folds down pretty small but this thing has some funky engineering that makes the rear of the mouse fold in what I can only describe as a concertina effect. I spent more time folding and unfolding – marvelling at the engineering and design effort. When folded, it’s less than 15mm thick – basically the thickness of the batteries inside which become the limiting factor.

The rodent itself is available for pre-order now from Amazon, Bestbuy and Buy.com for $69.99 and yes, I will be getting one Smile 

Tonnes more info at https://www.microsoft.com/hardware/arctouchmouse/ and the MS hardware blog