
Vidit Founder: You Must Know Your Customer To Know Your Product

Vidit recreates events using crowd sourced video.

Vidit collects videos taken by many people in a single event and by using a unique video synchronization algorithm; vidit synchronizes and edits all clips into one video that depicts the event from its beginning to its end, from the user's point of view. A music concert, for example, is probably the best use case. Fans take videos all the time, but most of the time; the video is from the same angle, shaky or just sounds bad. Vidit takes all these small clips and combines them into one video using the best shots.Your name?

Here is our interview with Vidit founder Elad Gariany.

Twitter: @viditfm

What have you learned about managing a technological business that you would pass on to the next generation?

Think ahead. As a technologist couple we tend to give more priority to the technology rather than to the actual problem that we try to fix.

Although it is really tempting to spend time, develop and create the next biggest technology the world have seen, you should always remember that the product and the company’s vision comes first.

We’ve learned the hard way that before developing anything, you must think about your products’ ecosystem. Who are the group of people that are part of your products’ universe? Who needs it? Who are your customers? Who will pay for this? What are the relations between these groups of people?

Do not reinvent the wheel. If something is good, someone probably already did something similar. Learn from success and mistakes other make.

Last and most important of all, prepare your self. Building a company from the ground-up is an emotional roller coaster. Out of all possible things you could have done, you choose to do that. You better prepare yourself because it is not going to be an easy ride.