
Dig Deep In Twitter, By Letting The Beautiful, Bold and Adventurous Rise to Your Feeds

Ever felt frustrated that you can never dig deep enough, and reliably enough, into Twitter to find the right influencers or connections for you to proceed with conversations and media strategies? 

Social media information really translates into signposts that direct you to potential community members in what is essentially an expeirence of community building. If you are in social media for any length of time you realize that you are not consuming as much as you are building up reputation and clear communication that drives people to you, in order for them to gain some insight from you and you from them. 

So you need an app that clears the clutter, uses targeting efficiency to show someone you like what they do, and draw them to you. I found something that does this. They are recently made BizSpark members

Try Whosin App. This is a perfect app for the disrupted media channels genre, and for advertising and marketing. 

I am completely excited about the current state of Whosin, and its future. I recently spoke with one of the founders, Dev Kanel who came by the Microsoft BizSpark offices to talk about some backend ideas for his startup. 

What I love about this app is the way it solves the search by emotions problem, which I think is a real issue on the web. 

We're often not sure of what's going on, on the web, until we are able to make a distinct, curated, and reliable connection to the right person. We normally make that connection based on our emotional connection to that person. 

This app lets you isolate by emotion, and gain connections, through imagery, links, and hashtags, by geo location and by search topic. Seriously, try it.