Nouveau document : protéger efficacement Exchange avec le filtrage applicatif d’ISA Server 2004
Un nouveau document présentant comment protéger efficacement Exchange avec le filtrage applicatif d’ISA Server 2004 est disponible sur
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 provides many features for securely publishing resources to the Internet with the use of application layer filters. The purpose of this document is to detail how to more effectively use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) filtering capabilities to secure a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 environment connected to the Internet by using ISA Server 2004.
ISA Server 2004 has a built-in wizard, called the New Mail Server Publishing Rule Wizard, which is designed to assist in the creation of rules required to publish mail and Exchange servers. This guide details how to use the New Mail Server Publishing Rule Wizard and additionally configure the HTTP and SMTP filters appropriately for an Exchange Server 2003 environment.
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