
Microsoft Announces Pricing and Licensing Details for Windows OneCare Live

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Microsoft Announces Pricing and Licensing Details for Windows OneCare Live
Promotional price offered to early testers of all-in-one PC care service slated for June 2006 release.
REDMOND, Wash. — Feb. 7, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. today announced final licensing and pricing information for its soon-to-be-released Windows OneCare™ Live, the all-in-one, automatic and self-updating PC care service aimed at helping consumers more easily protect and maintain their PCs to keep them running well. Now available free to new beta testers in the United States, at https://ideas.live.com , Microsoft® Windows OneCare Live will be available in June from retailers and via the Web for an annual subscription of $49.95 MSRP for up to three personal computers. To thank its valuable beta customers and offer an easy transition to the paid service, Microsoft also announced today a promotional deal offering the first year of Windows OneCare Live service for $19.95 to beta customers who become subscribers between April 1 and April 30, 2006.”

La suite sur : https://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/feb06/02-07OneCarePricingPR.mspx

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