
IT Forum 2005 - les sessions ISA 2004 prevues

Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 Rules: I'll Show You My Rules, You Show Me Yours!

This session looks at the rule base of a medium size business and explains all the gotchas and tips and tricks that this deployment used to get the most out of ISA Server 2004 Enterprise Edition. We'll look at how NLB was set up, what rules authenticate and why, listener configuration, protocol filter and HTTP filter setup, and the routing conditions that had to be done to make it all work. Not a session for beginners, but this one should have something new for ISA Server admins to add to their toolbox.

Leveraging your Active Directory (AD) for Perimeter Defense – Inside and Out

This session highlights the advantages of using Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 Active Directory for web proxy scenarios. Using AD for network security provides another layer of protection against internal clients transmitting sensitive data and intellectual property to external sources. ISA along with AD authentication allows for companies to monitor and manage how users utilize external networks and especially the Internet. Are you tired of tracking IP addresses to Internet usage? ISA 2004 AD integration allows an administrator to tie Internet usage back to AD Account names. This gives companies additional data for accountabliity to users on company policy regarding the use the Internet. Peer-to-Peer software can cause compliancy issues if their users do not follow policy. ISA 2004 helps enforce compliancy with these regulations by giving the administrator control over what applications can access the Internet based on who the person is and just the application. Business functions using peer to peer are allowed to function and be monitored through the ISA 2004 Server. Come and learn more about how to leverage your powerful security tool of Active Directory along with ISA Sever 2004.

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