
How to make ISA stop ALL useful traffic - ou comment Jesper Johansson utilise ISA/SBS a la maison :-)

Un post de Jesper Johansson (https://blogs.technet.com/jesper_johansson) expliquant comment il a fini par installer ISA 2004 / SBS chez lui ainsi que ses premiers retours d’expérience.

How to make ISA stop ALL useful traffic

So I was actually in the United States for a couple of days last week and decided to get the long overdue ISA server running at home. After all, how hard could this be? In ISA 2004, with the new "firewall configuration by cartoon" interface, you just pick the cartoon that looks most like your network. Heck, since I have SBS, it actually clicks the right cartoon for you…

La suite sur : https://blogs.technet.com/jesper_johansson/archive/2005/10/24/412963.aspx

Jesper le plongeur :-)

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