
Automatic Proxy Discovery Package for Co-Located ISA Server 2006 and Internet Information

Use the files in this package to solve the problem of implementing automatic proxy discovery when Internet Information Services (IIS) and Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server are installed on the same computer.

When Internet Information Services (IIS) and Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006 are co-located, as in a Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) installation, and a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or Domain Name System (DNS) server has a Web Proxy Automatic Discovery (WPAD) entry that points to the computer running IIS and ISA Server, the server applications use the same port. This prevents requests from Web Proxy clients for a Wpad.dat file and prevents Winsock Proxy Autodetect (WSPAD) requests from Firewall clients for a Wspad.dat file from reaching the server.

The files in this package can be used to configure IIS to direct client requests for proxy automatic configuration data to ISA Server using server-side Active Server Pages (ASP) code.


Merci à Moez (MVP ISA) pour avoir diffusé en premier cette information sur son blog (https://moez.zeblog.com/)
