
SQL SERVER 2005 SP3 Install Fails with Error 1612: Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file

I've seen a couple issues where SQL 2005 SP3 setup failed with below error for database engine and tools.

Customer had installed SQL 2005 and SP2 from network location (using mapped drive) and is concerned that problem is due to install being a network install-

Error Number : 1612
Error Description : Unable to install Windows Installer MSP file

Error Number : 1714
Error Description : MSP Error: 1714 The older version of Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group

Cause :

In this case, SP3 is not getting installed due to missing msp files in %windir%\installer folder. These are not automatically deleted and must have been manually deleted

.MSP files are automatically created for service pack or cumulative update or hotfix installs and store the differential changes between the previous and current install. These are useful if the patch needs to be uninstalled

Note that this is not caused by a network install and a network install (even without using mapped drive) works fine


Please ensure Full Control permission is granted on the Data folder and on all files in the Data folder as mentioned in https://support.microsoft.com/kb/918357

The remaining option is to recreate msp files for which you can get assistance from PSS

Additional note:

Note that similar problem can occur for previous SQL 2005 service packs and cumulative update installs too and may be due to the missing msps

Steps to reproduce problem for the tech savy-

ONLY attempt below repro steps on test (Win2k3) system-

1. Install SQL 2005 (thro network/local install) (with database engine and workstation components) and then install SP2 (thro network/local install)

2. GoTo below registry keys and get the names of the msp files in ‘Local Package’ values (msp files on my system were 7ec0e3.msp, 7ec23f.msp but they can have different names)-



3. GoTo Start->Run->%windir%\installer

4. Delete the two msp files in %windir%\installer (or move them to another directory)

5. Attempt (network/local) SP3 install - this should fail for database engine and for workstation components


Vijay Rodriguez
SE, Microsoft SQL Server
