
When a Store is a Store…and so Much More.

When is a store not just a store? When it’s a place for people to congregate, collaborate and experience. That is the design and vibe of the new Microsoft store in Palo Alto. The April 19th opening of the Microsoft Store at Stanford Shopping Center is the second Silicon Valley location where shoppers can experience Microsoft products first hand. Microsoft is creating opportunities for youth empowerment through technology, training and experiences to help them realize their full potential.  

We are part of the community where we work, live and play; in this spirit, Microsoft Silicon Valley has donated more than $1,000,000 in software to local organizations. At the recent store opening, Dan’l Lewin, corporate vice president of strategic and emerging business development at Microsoft Silicon Valley, had the chance to present donations to the following  organizations:

  • Ravenswood Educational Foundation, whose mission is to foster educational outcomes in the Ravenswood City School District that are on par with students from the surrounding communities
  • MVLA High School Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises money to fund academic programs in the Mountain View-Los Altos High School District
  • RISE (Raising Interest in Science and Engineering) inspires and prepares low-income, first-generation, college-bound students in the San Francisco Bay Area to pursue a STEM course of study after high school via a 7-week internship program at Stanford University.
  • Level Playing Field Institute is committed to eliminating the barriers faced by underrepresented people of color in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and fostering their untapped talent for the advancement of our nation.

We let you the community choose by setting up a “Vote for your favorite community organization” poll on the store’s Facebook page. You picked these four. We’re also proud to be surrounded by so many more incredible local organizations who share Microsoft’s passion for using technology to help youth achieve their full potential.