
Upcoming Events and Meeting Opportunities

Here are some details about the upcoming public events and activities I have planned for the next few months. While I am out and about, I would love to meet with some of you, discuss some of my favorite topics, or hear about yours.

Visual Studio Connections, Spring 2006, Orlando, FL, USA (link)

I am giving a talk titled “VWS305: Windows Communications Foundation: Writing Reliable and Transacted Distributed Applications” (link) on 4/4/06 at 2pm EST. This talk is very similar to the one I gave at the PDC so if you didn’t catch me at the PDC you should certainly come and see this one – if not for me then for the demos J

While in Orlando I will have limited time for meetings the night before my talk and after my talk, so if you want to meet with me please let me know. I apologize in advance since I’ll only have time for a few meetings that day.

Canadian Strategic Architect Forum 2006 Redmond, WA, USA (link)

At the CSAF I’m giving 4 talks, and would have very limited time for meetings outside of that.

· 4/5/06 @ 3:30 PST - Windows Communication Foundation Reliable and Transacted Messaging (link). This is the same talk I’m giving at VS Connections the day before. Same recommendation applies here as well J

· 4/6/06 @ 9:45 PST - Ask the Experts in the Executive track (link). This is a great time to ask any question you have on WCF, SOA, Service Oriented Design Patterns, designing for Data, or anything else you have on your mind.

· 4/6/06 @ 11:00 PST - Service Oriented Architecture, Beyond the Hype - Part 2 (link). This is part 2 to Ron Jacobs’s talk where I’m going to continue describing a few more SO patterns and anti-patterns. Having Ron cover the basics will allow me to get a little deeper into the details and maybe even show some samples.

· 4/6/06 @ 3:30 PST - Dealing with Data in a Services Oriented World (link). This is a great roundtable discussion that I’m going to host together with Don Smith on one of my favorite topics – moving data around in the context of web services. The best thing though is that this is an interactive session – nothing closes an architect summit nicely like a lively debate J

TechEd Israel 2006, Eilat, Israel (link)

I am going to spend May in Israel (with the exception of a week in the UK), and while a lot of this time is already allocated for TechEd Israel and several internal events, I plan to spend a lot of time meeting with folks. If you are in Israel and would like to meet please stay tuned for more details on when and where. Obviously, if you’d like to meet in TechEd Israel come over to Ask the Experts or just say Hi when you see me walking about.

As far as talks go, we have 2 talks on WCF in TechEd Israel (I know, it hardly does justice but it's a packed conference and this is what we were allocated - see here for the complete list of talks in the Dev track). Clemens will give Part 1 and I will give Part 2 (together with Payam). I will also give a talk in the Architecture track titled Composing and Managing Data Flows in a Distributed Application. This is a combination of the Data and Design Patterns talks I’m giving at CSAF, and should be a very interesting talk for everyone designing a service oriented system.