
Few MMS 2012 sessions you don’t want to miss…

Once again I am very excited to meet the System Center community at MMS 2012. This would be my 4th time at MMS and 3rd time as a speaker. This year my favorite topic is Configuration Manager 2012 Real World Deployment Story which we just completed. We had great experience in deploying this solution at Microsoft IT and can’t wait to share our story.

Session Details: CD-B320: How Microsoft Deployed Configuration Manager 2012 to 280,000 Desktops

Date & Time: 19th April, Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM Venetian Ballroom I

Speaker(s): Karthik Jayavel, Shitanshu Verma, Dharmendra Thotakura;


Session Abstract: Bring your deployment questions and join this session to hear from the team that's done the largest deployment to date of Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. Hear about the overall project schedule, migration, hardware specification, client deployment, software center, settings management, the new app model, integrated management and security, and more. You can take this deployment as a blueprint for your own Configuration Manager deployment—in what to do or what not to do.

In addition to above our group is also presenting below sessions:

Session Code



Time Slot


Getting to the System Center 2012 Datacenter Stack

Charlie Satterfield; Jim Livingston

4/16/2012-15:00:00 PM


Deploying Windows: Extending Microsoft Deployment Toolkit UDI 2012 to Customize the Deployment Experience

Cameron  King

4/17/2012-14:15:00 PM


Leveraging PCM to Convert Applications into the New Application Model for Configuration Manager 2012

Kristina Ashment

4/18/2012-10:15:00 AM


Service Manager 2012 at Microsoft

Jim Livingston

4/18/2012-11:45:00 AM


Day-to-Day Client and Security Management on Configuration Manager 2012

Jason Tang

4/19/2012-14:30:00 PM


How Microsoft Deployed Configuration Manager 2012 to (Almost) 280,000 Desktops

Shitanshu Verma,, Dharmendra Thotakura; Karthik Jayavel

4/19/2012-16:00:00 PM


Advanced Monitoring of the Application on the Configuration Manager Infrastructure

Partha Chandran, Arun Ramakrishnan; Cory Delamarter

4/19/2012-16:00:00 PM

As every year, I am also very interested to exchange thoughts and best practices along with my group for overall managing Configuration Manager, Operations Manager, Service Manager at Microsoft. So if you are interested for having chat / discussion around below proposed topics or any other areas please feel free to send a mail to me or Catherine at shverma@microsoft.com or MPSDshow@microsoft.com . In case we are not expert for the area you are looking for chat/discussion, we will get you connected with right folks to provide you the answers during the conference.

Here are some areas to help you thinking for the meeting ideas or topics

  1. How Microsoft IT manages Configuration Manager 2012 hierarchy?
  2. What’s our service operations and engineering team structure look like? 
  3. How we measure Configuration Manager Health and Availability?
  4. Ask how we manage Patch deployment on desktops and servers?
  5. What’s our SLA for different services related to Configuration Manager?

Looking forward to meet the System Center community in MMS 2012