
Is your self-signed certificate about to expire?

Ok. This isn't exactly hot off the press, but many of you know that the self-signed certificate that SBS 2003 creates during installation expires 5 years after it is issued. So..... (and I'm relying on some shaky calendar math here), if you installed SBS within minutes, hours, or days of release back in '03, those self-signed certificates are about to expire! If that happens, the faces of mobile and remote users will begin to turn varying shades of red and frowns will appear when they can no longer access their Remote Web Workplace Web sites. Nobody wants that to happen! Certainly not us! So like our developer and support partners before us, we are also jumping on the bandwagon and reminding you to recreate your self-issued certificate before it expires. Better yet, purchase a low cost trusted certificate from a certificate authority!

To help inform you about the wonder of certificates, and to instruct you on how to create, obtain and/or install them - we've just published a handy guide about the subject. If you're in need of this information, just curious about it, or just want to check our spelling, take a gander at the topic "Creating, Obtaining, and Installing Trusted Certificates in a Windows SBS 2003 Network Environment" in the Windows Small Business Server 2003 Technical Library.


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