
Juergen: Collaboration Technology Support Center - CTSC (Walldorf, Germany)

I work as a Program Manager at Microsoft. I’m also a member of the CTSC, the Collaboration Technology Support Center located in Walldorf, Germany. The CTSC is a jointly staffed team from Microsoft and SAP and at the moment two people from Microsoft and two people from SAP belong to our team. We share an office in Walldorf, Germany, and we work together on the interoperability between Microsoft .NET and SAP Netweaver. During the last year a few whitepapers and collaboration briefs from the CTSC were published regarding interoperability scenarios between the product stacks of Microsoft .NET and SAP Netweaver. You can expect more papers during the next months so watch this blog and also our website www.microsoft-sap.com.

- Juergen