
IndustryBuilt adopts Windows 7 MultiTouch in justfoodERP for Food Industry

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Dan Oughton from IndustryBuilt, a Microsoft Gold Certified ISV specializes in Food & Beverage, Equipment Dealers, and Fabricated Metals industries using Microsoft Dynamics NAV, discusses the use of MultiTouch capabilities of Windows 7 in their justfoodERP product.

In this example, Dan shows how they consumed web services from Dynamics NAV into SharePoint 2010 and Silverlight 4.0 to show customer details (name, address, and balance due) in a bing map. He demonstrates how zooming, moving and scrolling using MultiTouch, makes it easier for customers and helps in adoption.

Check out the short video at Channel9. Enjoy!

Sanjay Jain

ISV Architect Evangelist

Microsoft Corporation

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