
Bookmark – Where is the Cluster Log in Windows 2008 R2 ?

Disclaimer: ---------------------------------------------------------

Thanks to Symon Perriman MSFT for this information !

Putting it in my blog as well as I’m using my blog as an extension of my (red fish) memory

Check out his blog for the details on Cluster Logs : https://blogs.msdn.com/b/clustering/archive/2008/09/24/8962934.aspx

---------------------------------------------------------------------------End of Disclaimer


From one of the nodes of the cluster,

- open a Command Prompt with Administrator rights. 

- The simplest command to create the log is to type “cluster log /g”. 

- A cluster.log file will be generated and stored in the %windir%ClusterReports directory on each node of the cluster. 

Note that with all commands you can use either “cluster … ” or “cluster.exe …” as they have the same functionality.

Again, thanks Symon !
