
Live Migration cluster – Configuring Networks

Recently I have received many calls from partners on setting up network configuration in a Live Migration cluster. Microsoft had released a network configuration guide for reference. Refer the guide for details.

You can refer the below extract from the link



Some of the important points to note (as mentioned in the TechNet link)-

  • Network access for virtual machines can be on either a public or private network. To allow virtual machines access to computers on the physical network, they must be on a public network. The requirements for virtual machine access vary depending on network I/O needs and the number of virtual machines you are running on a single physical server.
  • In addition to the preferred network for the cluster and the Cluster Shared Volumes, a cluster can utilize at least one additional network for communication. This increases the high availability of the cluster. The cluster should also be on a private network.


For settings on the Live Migration cluster, you should also specify the “Network for Live Migration” ( you can specify the priority order for networks)
