
Web 2.0ltre report from the conference - part 3

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Paolo Barberis - president Dada

web 2.0 is just partecipative web

Massimo Martini: CEO Yahoo Italy

Flickr has a mixed business model: advertising and premium services

new metric: engagement. how may times you spent on a media. companies can interact with their customers.

communication today: listen more and talk less.

double digit growth on advertisement is not enough: he want at least 3 digit growht because numbers are still too small

partecipative marketing: www.

Giancarlo Vergori: head of Alice.it

"Web 2.0 è una bufala! Web 2.0 is nothing more than an advertising business model and an updated version of interaction."

Reading this good article from FrancoC: NoBlog, i 4 difetti di una moda in discesa

image 17.46 Iblog 


HOW will the user be part of the value chain??

OK guys, here we still don't have a shared definition for Web 2.0. they're still dealing with words. every one talk only about youtube, google, flickr....the past the past. I want to see the future AND the present, not the past!