Interesting SharePoint Webcasts
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MSDN Webinar:
Build Serious Applications Using SharePoint Server 2007
There are many advances in each of the products in the 2007 Microsoft Office system that make it an awesome platform on which to build applications and products. Enhancements in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, Office SharePoint Portal Server, and Office Project Server in particular have made this a compelling platform for faster application development. This webcast explains these changes and details how they can be used with examples.
MSDN Webinar:
Managing a Project Management Office with SharePoint Products and Technologies
Learn how to use the SharePoint 2003 and 2007 Products and Technologies environment to deliver a PMO – a Project Management Office.
Much project work in organizations is monitored in various scheduling tools - but these tools do not allow for the management of the most common IT project deliverables such as project plans, phases, roles, specifications, requirements, etc.. SharePoint is of course the perfect place to manage these items. This web cast will show the possibilities of the SharePoint 203 and 2007 Products and Technologies to allow for IT Project Management of one or a portfolio of multiple projects – and will show how organizations can start with a PMO on SharePoint and up-scale to Project Server 2007, when they are ready.
MSD2D Webinar:
A PMO (Project Management Office) using Microsoft SharePoint
Learn how to use the SharePoint 2003 and 2007 Products and Technologies environment to deliver a PMO - a Project Management Office.
Much project work in organizations is monitored in various scheduling tools - but these tools do not allow for the management of the most common project deliverables such as project plans, phases, roles, specifications, requirements, change requests, etc. SharePoint is, of course, the perfect place to manage these items. This web cast will show the possibilities of the SharePoint 2003 and 2007 Products and Technologies to allow for Project Management of one or a portfolio of multiple different types of projects (e.g. business and IT projects) - and will show organizations can deliver a PMO on SharePoint.