
Daft.ie Realtime: Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget for property updates in Ireland

Daft.ie is Ireland's biggest property website.  Their listings include properties for sale, letting and sharing.  In fact, I found my Dublin apartment through Daft when I moved here from Canada.

Daft has just released Daft Realtime, a Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget which receives live updates from their listings directly to your Windows Vista desktop as new properties are entered onto Daft.ie.

The Gadget can search for Sale or Rental Property anywhere in Ireland.  You can adjust the search to be as specific or vague as you like.

There's no registration required, you just click to download and set your search options.

Vista Gadget Development

Daft was able to develop the gadget in an incredibly short span of time.  One of Daft's developers, John Kilbride, wrote to me to say that:

"The Gadget took two weeks to complete from initial spec. to final completion. The suprising thing about gadgets is that even relatively powerful functionality can be developed using only standard web technologies such as Javascript, CSS, XML and HTML."

Congratulations to John and the Daft team, and I am sure that any of you following the property market in Ireland will find the functionality and visibility offered by the Daft Realtime Gadget to be most helpful!
