
Cool Visual Studio 2005 Custom Debugger Visualizers

I love Visual Studio 2005's Debugger Visualizers, which allow you, at debug-time, to visualize the contents of memory in arbitrarily elaborate ways.  You can use them, for example, to visualize a string of HTML like this:

An HTML Debugger Visualizer in Visual Studio 2005

...which is a whole lot more instructive than this, the not-so-good ol' Watch Window:

The Visual Studio 2005 Watch Window - nice, but not that nice

Out of the box, Visual Studio 2005 can visualize things like the above strings as an XML or HTML document.  (Visualizing DataSet in a grid form is also really useful.) 

But even cooler is the fact that you can very easily extend Visual Studio and write your own Debugger Visualizers, either for existing Types or your own custom Types.

ASP.NET guru Scott Guthrie has posted a survey article that highlights some of the very cool and very functional custom Debugger Visualizers that exist out there.  These are availble for free, and often come with source code.  Check it out!