
Reed Me

Development schtuff, SQL Server & other random geekness. Now with more [fill in the blank]!

Whoops. Got to uninstall all the .NET 4.x bits or Server Manager breaks...

Fiddling around with TFS 2010 (x64) got me into a little trouble: "MMC could not create the...

Author: reedme Date: 06/01/2009

If you finish reading the entire article...

If you actually manage to read all the way through the entire article (the first time): The Benefits...

Author: reedme Date: 05/26/2009

I wasn’t concerned about warbots. Until...

The quote is long to provide context, but the bold part is what worries me. Ruh-roh. A recent study...

Author: reedme Date: 04/22/2009

To whom it may concern (code comments)

I thought I was the only one who left warnings in my code for future maintainers... Or maybe Brian...

Author: reedme Date: 04/21/2009

It’s been real and it’s been fun...

I’ve really enjoyed my ~3.5 years here at Microsoft, especially the last year and a quarter inside...

Author: reedme Date: 04/14/2009

Yeah, I know I said I’d never run for office again...

But then I went and put my name in the hat once more... because it’s for a good cause! No, it’s not...

Author: reedme Date: 03/31/2009

Awww, aren’t they just so cute?!

Look at all of them fixin’ to jump in the pool! Heh. Not to minimize the difficulty that they’re...

Author: reedme Date: 03/19/2009

Do we really need a manifesto for software craftsmanship?

This seems like a reaction to, maybe an extension of, the Agile Manifesto. I don’t see anything that...

Author: reedme Date: 03/11/2009

Nulls are always a problem.

Anybody who’s ever jousted with nullable database columns will find this humorous: The Vermillion...

Author: reedme Date: 03/11/2009

For once, the forecast was accurate...

Of course, in the Pacific Northwest, it’s not hard: all you have to do to be accurate is say “Water...

Author: reedme Date: 03/09/2009

I need a new dart board. Would the MOF circle work?

I’m spending some time this weekend dusting off skills that I haven’t used for a while. After...

Author: reedme Date: 03/07/2009

Ooops. Better luck next time!

Another Tunguska might’ve been fun! Space rock gives Earth a close shave Of course, a mass...

Author: reedme Date: 03/04/2009

The Problem with Software Architects

What’s the problem with software architects? Besides the fact that they think everything can be...

Author: reedme Date: 02/27/2009

Error code 2738 when installing AdventureWorks.

This is in the wiki FAQ, but not everybody reads the documentation and my experience is that...

Author: reedme Date: 02/24/2009

Future geek advantage? An inability to sit still?

Maybe I should stop trying to teach my children to sit still? Their hyperactivity is really just...

Author: reedme Date: 02/12/2009

If you absolutely must call a WCF service from inside your database, here’s how you do it...

When I was an operations DBA, this would probably fall into the category of “just because you can do...

Author: reedme Date: 02/11/2009

Back when I was an enterprise architect...

JP Morgenthal put together a brief care-and-feeding guide for managers of enterprise architects for...

Author: reedme Date: 02/05/2009

If it wasn’t in California, this might have gotten me to choose UC Berkeley.

Well, besides the locale barrier (for politico-moral reasons of my own), there’s the teensy fact...

Author: reedme Date: 02/03/2009

Updated Books Online (January 2009)

I’m a couple days behind in, well, everything, not just my inbox. What can I say? It finally warmed...

Author: reedme Date: 02/03/2009

Thanks, Brian! A couple minor nits to pick, though.

Brian, I'm glad y'all are doing videos like this for SQL School!! I realize that you probably...

Author: reedme Date: 02/03/2009

SQL RSS code review coming up.

If you haven’t checked out this project, give it a look. We’re having an MVP code review in about a...

Author: reedme Date: 02/02/2009

It’s nice to be wanted!

Personally, I’ve always believed that “It’s the data, stupid!” when it comes to enterprise...

Author: reedme Date: 01/30/2009

Samples forum consolidation.

Until today, all of the various SQL Server community and samples projects each had their own...

Author: reedme Date: 01/29/2009

I think I’ve read that one. By Haldeman, right?

Would somebody please turn on the Large Hadron Collider so we can just end the debate? One way or...

Author: reedme Date: 01/28/2009

Live Mesh to the, uh, rescue?

One of my alleged New Year’s resolutions was to clean out the blogging back log. I have a bad habit...

Author: reedme Date: 01/27/2009

Sybase loves AdventureWorks2008?

A SQL Ranger friend of mine in the UK gave me the heads up to this yesterday. (Thanks, Ben!!)...

Author: reedme Date: 01/22/2009

Pirates are customers, too?

Leave it to Valve to find the sunny side of piracy. "We take all of our games day-and-date to...

Author: reedme Date: 01/19/2009

Tweeting AdventureWorks?

Earlier this week, the gravitational pull of Twitter got the better of me. Jimmy May emailed me that...

Author: reedme Date: 01/15/2009

I needz a squeegee.

Me and the bike in my driveway @ home after enjoying the fine Irish riding weather in the vicinity...

Author: reedme Date: 01/12/2009

Thank you, Captain Obvious! (@ NASA this time.)

If there’s not already a medal for stating the obvious, I should start a foundation to present one....

Author: reedme Date: 01/08/2009

DTLoggedExec updated for the new year (and more).

Davide describes it best in his own words: What is DTLoggedExec? If I were a full-time ETL developer...

Author: reedme Date: 01/07/2009

Bike update (January ‘09)

When we moved from Redmond to Kirkland in December, it put me outside the “reasonable commute...

Author: reedme Date: 01/06/2009

Now that's funny! Air Force RoE for Blogging?

My tax dollars at work. Trust the military to "document" something that's already...

Author: reedme Date: 01/01/2009

Game on! Steve's going down...

My buddy, one of the Steves, has gotten nostalgic for his girlish figure of yore... for reasons...

Author: reedme Date: 12/30/2008

Now with more open and soon with more source!

Over the holidays, the SQL Server community & samples test team in China has been migrating all...

Author: reedme Date: 12/26/2008

A long time ago, in a life far, far away, I was a deputy constable and I had to physically locate...

Author: reedme Date: 12/16/2008

How reliable is your data source?

It seems like aeons ago (not even a decade yet) when I was @ a little start-up that was assimilating...

Author: reedme Date: 12/10/2008

You’d think that this would already be available off-the-shelf...

I can think of three or four realistic first-person shooters that might already fill this niche....

Author: reedme Date: 12/04/2008

Who are you and what do you want with my data?

If you’ve got data, there are probably people who want to use it, analyze it, do things with it......

Author: reedme Date: 11/20/2008

Do you want the bad news first? Or the worse news?

Oh noes!! "We're interested in seeing COBOL as a first-class citizen on .NET and on the Azure...

Author: reedme Date: 11/18/2008

Voice Command: FORMAT C: [ENTER]

Well, that’s how the joke used to go about Vista voice command... Apparently somebody thought it...

Author: reedme Date: 11/11/2008

Michael Crichton: RIP. We’ll miss you.

Loved the books, Michael. We’ll miss all the ones that you didn’t to write. The novelist passed away...

Author: reedme Date: 11/05/2008

Voting in R’lyeh?

I’m pretty sure that Lovecraft would know how to interpret these “mysterious massive waves”,...

Author: reedme Date: 11/04/2008

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