
Quick Thoughts

James Quick- Microsoft Technical Evangelist South Florida

Microsoft Project Siena

I wanted to share a quick post on Microsoft’s Project Siena, which is a Windows 8 store app that...

Author: James Quick Date: 03/10/2014

Your First Azure Mobile Service

Alright, so I will be starting a series of blog posts covering different aspects of using Azure...

Author: James Quick Date: 03/10/2014

Special offer for Unity3D Devs Targeting Windows

Building Games for Windows Using Unity3d? We've got an incentive offer for you. Unity devs can...

Author: James Quick Date: 02/27/2014

Gamemaker Standard FREE!!

If you have read many of my blog posts, you probably know that I use Gamemaker Studio very...

Author: James Quick Date: 02/27/2014

Promotions Update

There are several different promotions going around in my area right now, and I want to make sure...

Author: James Quick Date: 02/27/2014

Fast Approval Time for Windows Phone Developers

Just wanted to share with everyone that the amount of time it takes to get a Windows Phone app...

Author: James Quick Date: 02/21/2014

Developer of the Week: Oneironaut Games

This week’s developer of the week is Oneironautgames, a game development start-up that makes...

Author: James Quick Date: 01/27/2014

South Florida Code Camp 2/22

Alright just want to let everyone know that South Florida Code Camp is coming up on February 22nd at...

Author: James Quick Date: 01/21/2014

Get Windows 8 App Package in Gamemaker

So, I have done a couple of different blog posts on working with Gamemaker, but I have yet to do a...

Author: James Quick Date: 01/20/2014

Market Your App with WMPowerUser

Have you ever published an app for Windows Phone or Windows 8 that you were proud of, but didn’t see...

Author: James Quick Date: 01/08/2014

Developer of the Week: CNG Studios

Alright, I’ve definitely missed the last several developers of the week, but I am here to make it up...

Author: James Quick Date: 12/27/2013

First Windows 8 App

Alright, so last week I posted about how to write your Your First Windows Phone App.  I figured...

Author: James Quick Date: 12/27/2013

Your First Windows Phone App

I recently have been able to spend some time really digging in to making some Windows Phone Apps,...

Author: James Quick Date: 12/20/2013

Windows Developer Success Kit

So you’ve worked long and hard to publish your game orapp… Congrats! Now what? Get your...

Author: James Quick Date: 12/06/2013

South Florida Windows 8 Developers

I wanted to take a minute to give a huge THANK YOU to Colt Taylor, Frank Haggar, Bill Reiss, and...

Author: James Quick Date: 11/11/2013

Developer of the Week: Robert Hellestrae

Robert Hellestrae is a South Florida developer who has been very passionate and dedicated to Windows...

Author: James Quick Date: 11/11/2013

Developer of the Week: Brady Merkel

Although I am a little late for last week- yes, this “Developer of the Week” is actually for the...

Author: James Quick Date: 10/23/2013

Top 8 Apps IE Tab Launcher

Yesterday, a member of my team, Tommy Patterson (pictured below), created a script that will open up...

Author: James Quick Date: 10/16/2013

Windows 8 Holiday Rush Challenge!!

Looking for a new tablet this holiday season?  Maybe a present for a family member?  Maybe...

Author: James Quick Date: 10/16/2013

Check Out “Miami Beach View”

If you live in South Florida, frequent Miami Beach, or are visiting in the near future, then you...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/27/2013

Developer of the Week: Craig Simon

Following suit from the last Developer of the Week, this week’s developer of the week is Craig...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/26/2013

Create A Windows Phone App in Hours????

Ok, so who out there would love to publish apps, but has no coding experience? Or maybe, you know...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/26/2013

“Quick” Tips for Gamemaker (Part 4- Start/End Screen)

In my last “Quick Tips” gamemaker blog post, I covered how to keep and display a score for the user...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/24/2013

“Quick” Tips for Gamemaker (Part 3- Score)

So, in the last gamemaker tip, we covered movement for your character.  In this post, we will...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/24/2013

Publish an App, Get a Phone

Currently, Nokia is having a promotion that allows first-time Windows Phone App publishers the...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/19/2013

Developer of the Week: Nathalie Goh-Livorness

So I am going to try and start recognizing one developer a week in my blog, and with this being my...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/18/2013

APIMASH and Game Dev Workshops

Announcing hands on workshop segments for South Florida in Fall 2013, located at the Microsoft Fort...

Author: James Quick Date: 09/04/2013

The Voluntiers- Winners of Best Windows App at BattleHack Miami

This past weekend I had the pleasure of witnessing a great sight, a room of fifty people or so all...

Author: James Quick Date: 08/28/2013

The Journey - IPhone to Windows Phone

So if you read my first blog, then you know that I recently made the transition from IPhone to...

Author: James Quick Date: 08/20/2013

"Quick" Tips for Gamemaker (Part One- The Basics)

So, recently, I wrote about my experience hosting and teaching a game making workshop with high...

Author: James Quick Date: 08/19/2013

Miami-Dade Gamemaker Workshop

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this past week, I had the pleasure of teaching a workshop at...

Author: James Quick Date: 08/12/2013

...did you say Technical Evangelist?

Did you just say TECHNICAL EVANGELIST?!?! “Haha yes”, is how I usually respond. I always...

Author: James Quick Date: 08/03/2013
