
Learn how to extend Azure on-premises and build innovative hybrid applications

This technical webinar will help plan the right solution for your customers and build the foundation for your deployment plans through a detailed scenario assessment. These technical webinar events are planned and delivered by Microsoft Partner Technical Consultants, available to you as a Partner Network member at no cost.

Azure Stack Consultation - Azure Stack is an extension of Azure, bringing the agility and fast-paced innovation of cloud computing to on-premises environments. Only Azure Stack lets you deliver Azure services from your organization’s datacenter, while balancing the right amount of flexibility and control—for truly consistent hybrid cloud deployments. With Azure Stack, you maximize productivity by empowering developers to build and deploy applications the same way whether your apps run on Azure or Azure Stack.​

​During the technical consultation with a Microsoft expert, you can expect to: ​

  • Review the architecture plan for your Azure Stack solution​
  • Receive assistance in planning the architecture of your hybrid cloud solution​
  • Use these materials as the foundation of your proposal or deployment plan​

Check out the full Apps & Infrastructure technical journey of technical webinars and technical consultations at aka.ms/AzureAppInnovation and aka.ms/O365AppInnovation