
Mail-Marketing: Kann ich über Exchange Online Newsletter verschicken?

Vor Kurzem erreichte mich die Frage: “Kann ich über Exchange Online Newsletter verschicken? Also so um die 1.000 Empfänger pro Mail? Oder gibt es da eine Beschränkung?”

Die Antwort (aus der Exchange Online Service Description – daher in Englisch): Each Exchange Online mailbox can send messages to a maximum of 1,500 recipients per day. An email message can be addressed to a maximum of 500 recipients. These limits apply to emails sent within an organization as well as to messages delivered to external organizations.


For the purposes of these limits, a distribution group that is stored in the Global Address List counts as one recipient. In a personal distribution group, each recipient is counted separately. See the help topic Recipient and sender limits for details.

Exchange Online customers who need to send legitimate bulk commercial email (for example, customer newsletters) should use third-party providers that specialize in these services.

Message Rate Limits 

To prevent overconsumption of system resources and help guard against inappropriate use, users can send only 30 messages per minute. If a user submits messages at a faster rate, Exchange Online will deliver the messages but will queue the messages at the server and throttle the rate of delivery.

Other Limits

Additional limits relating to messages, mailboxes, and recipients help ensure the health and responsiveness of the Exchange Online service for all customers. To view these limits, go to the help topic Message and Recipient Limits.

Davon abgesehen sind natürlich immer auch die Vorschriften der Telekom Regulierungsbehörde (RTR) einzuhalten insb. nachzulesen unter https://www.rtr.at/de/tk/E_Commerce_Gesetz/Spam_Infoblatt_01.pdf

Best, leo.faltus@microsoft.com