
The Week in Online Safety, November 21, 2011

The Week in Online Safety, November 21, 2011A weekly global roundup of online safety news, policy developments, research, and influence

U.S. - Beyond High School: How Bullying Affects College Students, The Minaret, Nov. 16, 2011

U.K. - Pupils 'abusing teachers and posting videos of their reaction online when they snap', Daily Mail, Nov. 16, 2011

U.S. - Turning students into better "digital citizens", WLBZ, Nov. 16, 2011 

U.S. - When Sites Drag the Unwitting Across the Web, The New York Times, Nov. 13, 2011 

Policy: Legislative, Regulatory, & Legal Developments
U.K. - Politicians call for Modern Warfare 3 censure, The Register, Nov. 16, 2011 

U.S. - DOJ: Lying on Match.com Terms of Service needs to be a crime, CNET, Nov. 14, 2011 

U.S. – FL HB 627, Introduced in House, Nov. 21, 2011. (Would require public schools to adopt cyberbullying policies.) 

U.S. – MI HB 4163, Passed by Hose, Nov. 10, 2011.  (Would require public schools to adopt cyberbullying policies.) 

U.S. - Is your pre-teen a 'digital adult'? Research suggests they almost certainly are, AVG, Nov. 15, 2011 

U.S. - News Flash: Online Teens Actually Heed Parents' Advice, Larry Magid, Nov. 15, 2011 

U.S. - Effectively Managing Cell Phones in Schools, iKeep Safe, Nov. 16, 2011 

U.S. - Videogame ratings: Ask the app while shopping, Anne Collier, Nov. 21, 2011 

U.S. - The Digitally Aware Parent (DAP): A Battle We Can’t Win Alone, Enough is Enough, Nov. 18, 2011 

-- Compiled by David Burt, CISSP, CIPP