
Surface at WIND Mobile stores in Canada

WIND Mobile has deployed 20 Microsoft Surface units throughout their mobile stores in Canada last month. Surface is running the “Power of Conversation” application, a consultative tool which allows customers to compare devices and plans side-by-side, helping to identify the options that work best for them. Information is made available quickly, clearly, and in one layer of engagement. Subsequent versions of the application will focus on the customization of services and devices right off the Surface unit.

Microsoft Surface Partner Trapeze worked with WIND Mobile and Surface Strategic Partner Stimulant to develop the highly anticipated in store deployment. WIND CCO Chris Robbins was on hand to explain the overall design and feel of the store experience, “The whole idea is to have this fully integrated... The primary goal was to ensure that Surface didn’t become technology for technologies sake... we didn’t want it to be a toy that people just came in and played with because it was here. We wanted it to actually be the center of a meaningful conversation between a potential customer and the Customer Service Representative".

- Eric (follow Surface on Twitter and Facebook)