
See Microsoft Surface now in Mission Viejo

Microsoft Retail Store Launch Last week Microsoft launched the first of the new Microsoft Retail Stores in Phoenix with Microsoft Surface. This week we’ve launched a new store in Mission Viejo, and Microsoft Surface is there too. If you’re in SoCal, head on down to the Shops at Mission Viejo and check out Microsoft Surface.

From last week..

Microsoft Surface is not being offered for sale to consumers at the store. Surface is in four distinct merchandise areas at the corners of the store – supporting Games, Mobility, Personalization and PCs.

Microsoft worked closely with our partners Vectorform, Infusion and Wirestone to create custom applications for the retail experience and we’ve also included some other engaging applications that showcase Microsoft Surface for visitors to the store. You will find a mobility selection tool for Windows Phones as well as a Surface version of the hit service Skin-It for mobile phones, laptops and other devices. There are other applications that offer the visitor utility, exploration and fun.

If you’re in the Mission Viejo area, stop by and check out Microsoft Surface. Here’s the press release about the Microsoft Store.