
Microsoft PixelSense Blog

Clinique brings Surface to the Clinique Smart Bar

Back in 1968, Clinique debuted as the world’s first dermatologist developed cosmetics brand, before...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/03/2011

Controlling the AR Drone with Surface

Winwise has created an entertaining control mechanism for the Parrot AR Drone using Microsoft...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 01/27/2011

Amnesia Razorfish’s mobile mashup with Surface and more

The team from Amnesia Razorfish in Australia have brought some cool new device interaction to...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 01/25/2011

The New Microsoft Surface

The new Microsoft Surface was unveiled on Wednesday at CES 2011. We just launched our brand new...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 01/06/2011

Ringing in 2011 with new Surface MVPs!

Just in time for the New Year, we have three new Microsoft Surface MVPs (Most Valuable...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 01/04/2011

How do I print tags?

Lately I had someone ask how they can print tags and/or get byte tags.... so I figured I would write...

Author: Luis Cabrera - AzureML Date: 11/22/2010

Microsoft Surface and Cerebral Palsy Therapy

We have seen very good use of Microsoft Surface in the medical field with a variety of applications....

Author: Eric Ha Date: 11/12/2010

The Wonder of Light at The Smithsonian

The Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. is now using innovation from Microsoft Surface to...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 11/09/2010

Charles Schwab on Surface at IMPACT 2010

In Boston this week, Charles Schwab is making an IMPACT. Their annual conference is an opportunity...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 10/27/2010

Microsoft Surface at TEDx Redmond

This past weekend, I had the privilege of demoing Microsoft Surface to 600+ primary school kids at...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 09/24/2010

Ness Botanic Gardens at the Shanghai Expo

Our Microsoft Surface strategic partner nsquared created a very engaging application on Surface...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 09/01/2010

msnbc.com digital café

If I say studio tour to anyone who has watched the hit television series 30 Rock, they’ll...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 08/26/2010

Live Presentation: Robot Command and Control on Surface

This just in: Robot Invasion! That might have grabbed more attention as a headline, but trust me,...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 08/23/2010

Surface at Gnomedex 10

Don't forget to check out your blog entries from Gnomedex out on Microsoft Surface. If you made a...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 08/21/2010

The Settlers of Catan trades up for objects

The last time we looked at The Settlers of Catan on Microsoft Surface was when the game was unveiled...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 08/02/2010

How do you use the following SDK tools...

The Surface SDK Team is looking for your feedback with regards to the tools available on our SDK. We...

Author: Luis Cabrera - AzureML Date: 07/22/2010

The Weather Channel on Microsoft Surface

Andy Drooker and Crispin Southwell from The Weather Channel were in our booth at the Microsoft...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 07/19/2010

A new book that explains Microsoft Surface development! ... and a new library on codeplex!

Joshua Blake from Infostrat (one of our partners), is working on a book on WPF multi-touch...

Author: Luis Cabrera - AzureML Date: 07/14/2010

Welcome to WPC 2010

Come visit Microsoft Surface at WPC 2010 in Washington D.C. for some great demos by our Microsoft...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 07/13/2010

Object Explore for Travel Agents from Object Consulting

Object Consulting is another one of our Microsoft Surface Strategic Partners out of Australia....

Author: Eric Ha Date: 07/13/2010

nsquared presents their Surface Business Pack

You may have seen nsquared on our blog before. They are a Microsoft Surface Strategic Partner...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 07/08/2010

Vectorform Game Studio and The Settlers of Catan

This week, Origins Game Fair attendees will get the first glimpse at Settlers of Catan on Surface....

Author: Eric Ha Date: 06/21/2010

Papermaze on Microsoft Surface

Recently, Vectorform visited our offices to show me a new title they’ve been working on for...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 06/17/2010

Microsoft Surface Bluetooth Connect Code Sample Now Available for Download

This sample helps developers integrate Bluetooth connectivity into their Microsoft Surface...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 06/15/2010

Galactic Alliance, four player gaming on Surface

Joe and Filip from Vectorform, a Microsoft Surface strategic partner, were in Redmond recently to...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 06/08/2010

Hospitality and travel retail by nsquared

A short while back I met with Dr. Neil Roodyn here in Redmond to look at some applications that...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 05/24/2010

Swedish Medical Center Baby Photo Contest

Swedish is celebrating their 100th anniversary in a cute way (video). They’ve delivered...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 05/07/2010

An immersive experience for homebuilders on Surface

The Microsoft Surface Strategic Partner, AFTER MOUSE has created this innovative solution on Surface...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/29/2010

Introducing Microsoft Surface Design and Development Training

We invite you to participate in the new Microsoft Surface Design and Development Training. This...

Author: Luis Cabrera - AzureML Date: 04/29/2010

Experience the Garibaldi Panorama on Surface

Imagine you have a 140 year old print that is almost five feet tall, nearly the length of a football...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/27/2010

Retirement Planning for Groupama

Our Microsoft Surface Strategic Partner IntuiLab has released a video showing their retirement...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/26/2010

Microsoft Surface Week in Review

Let’s take a look at what you may have missed on Microsoft Surface this week. People are Tweeting...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/23/2010

Introducing MakeWords for education by nsquared

nsquared is a Microsoft Surface Strategic Partner in Australia, and have an application called...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/22/2010

Interactive Storytelling on Microsoft Surface

A while back, I had the privilege of having Xiang Cao, an associate researcher at Microsoft Research...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/22/2010

Reminder: Surface Toolkit for Windows Touch Available

In case you missed it last week, the Microsoft Surface Toolkit for Windows Touch Beta is available...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/21/2010

Surface at Interactive Displays 2010 Conference

Are you going to the Interactive Displays 2010 Conference in San Jose next week? I will be there...

Author: Luis Cabrera - AzureML Date: 04/12/2010

Launch: Microsoft Surface Toolkit for Windows Touch Beta

We’ve got some great news for Windows Touch developers. Today we’ve launched a toolkit for Windows...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 04/12/2010

PAX Day 1

Friday at PAX was busy. Things started for me getting off a red-eye flight from Redmond landing at...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/27/2010

Surface and Carnegie Mellon at PAX with D&D

For the uninitiated to the Penny Arcade Expo, I can best describe it as a gaming conference by the...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/27/2010

Raise of Hands: Do you use the Surface Simulator? Do you use the Surface Simulator APIs?

Dear Readers, Hello, I am Luis Cabrera, the Program Manager responsible for the Surface SDK. I would...

Author: Luis Cabrera - AzureML Date: 03/26/2010

The Surface team gets visitors, with toys! (the D&D kind)

There was a lot of excitement last month over in Surface-land. We had visitors from Carnegie Mellon...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/15/2010

GDC 2010: Creating multi-touch, multi-user games on Surface

Are you into game design? Have you been designing multi-touch games? Microsoft Surface is a...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/05/2010

Surface and Healthcare at HIMMS

Somanna Palacanda from the Microsoft Surface team was at HIMSS (Healthcare Information and...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/04/2010

Application Design for Microsoft Surface

As we mentioned previously, Microsoft Surface is at CeBIT in Germany. Along with showcasing Surface...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/03/2010

TechFest 2010 and “Mobile Surface”

I’m seeing a lot of Tweets about Microsoft unveiling a Mobile Surface at TechFest 2010 this week....

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/03/2010

Reporting in from CeBIT 2010

Vanessa Lee from the Microsoft Surface team is at CeBIT in Germany, where Microsoft Surface is...

Author: Eric Ha Date: 03/03/2010

Using the RawImage in a WPF application.

One common question I hear is: How can you consume the raw image provided by the core APIs in a WPF...

Author: Luis Cabrera - AzureML Date: 03/01/2010

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