
Microsoft Premier Support (PFE) Latin America

Este Blog está dedicado a todo aquel interesado en tecnología Microsoft, y con deseos de aprender de la experiencia y vivencias de los PFES de Latinoamerica y del grupo de Incubation Support & Services (ISS)

Power Pivot y Power View – Personal BI

Duración: 1hr. Tema: Power Pivot y Power View – Personal BI. Descripción del...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/13/2013

Optimización de aplicaciones de bases de datos OLTP

En esta sesión hablaremos de algunas de las Mejores Practicas en diferentes niveles de SQL...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/12/2013

Error Missing Assembly en el Health Analyzer

Uno de los hallazgos más comunes en el Health Analyzer, cuando se desarrollan soluciones a la...

Author: Julian DotNet Date: 06/27/2013

MissingAssembly Error in Health Analyzer

One of the most common issues in the Health Analyzer when you deploy custom solutions in your...

Author: Julian DotNet Date: 06/26/2013

Obtendo Pastas Utilizando o WebService Lists.ASMX do SharePoint 2010

Lendo um post no fórum do MSDN com o título Recuperar ID de pasta na Biblioteca usando...

Author: Fabian André Gehrke Date: 05/23/2013

Editando o E-mail da Tarefa Atribuída do Processo de Aprovação do Workflow do SharePoint 2010

O workflow do SharePoint 2010 é muito rico em detalhes que muitas vezes são...

Author: Fabian André Gehrke Date: 05/23/2013

Crear una Topología de Búsqueda en SharePoint 2013

Como ustedes deben recordar en SharePoint 2010 usted podía utilizar la interfaz...

Author: Julian DotNet Date: 05/10/2013

Create a Search Topology in SharePoint 2013

As you may remember in SharePoint 2010 you had a specific user interface to create and reconfigure...

Author: Julian DotNet Date: 05/10/2013

Windows Aware updating and SQL Server 2012 (Part II) – Step by Step

At this point we already know the concepts for Windows Aware Updating (CAU), on this post we will...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/10/2013

Windows Aware updating y SQL Server 2012 (Parte II) – Paso a Paso

Ya que en este punto tenemos claros los conceptos de Windows Aware Updating (CAU), en esta segunda...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/10/2013

Windows Aware Updating and SQL Server 2012 (Part I) – Introduction to Windows Aware Updating

Windows Server 2012 has incorporated a new functionality called Windows-Aware Updating (CAU) that...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2013

Windows Aware updating y SQL Server 2012 (Parte I) – Introducción a Windows Aware Updating

Windows Server 2012 incorpora una nueva funcionalidad llamada Windows-Aware Updating (CAU) que...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2013

¿Privileges on the Service SID or on the SQL Service Account?

On SQL Server 2008 the concept of Service SID was introduced to be used when installing on Windows...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2013

¿Privilegios al Service SID o a la cuenta de Service?

A partir de SQL Server 2008 se introdujo el concepto de utilizar Service SID cuando se instala en...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2013

Actualizaciones aparentemente no instaladas en SharePoint 2010

Hola SharePointeros Esta ves estuve trabajando con un cliente en Jamaica y me encontré con un...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 02/15/2013

Missing updates listed on Server Farm Products and Farm Patch status page

Hello community, This time I was working on a customer in Jamaica and faced an issue installing...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 02/15/2013

Consideraciones de seguridad para bases de datos de contenido “Contained Databases”

Hola!!Una de las nuevas características de SQL Server 2012 son las Contained Databases ,...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 12/11/2012

Recuperar acceso de sysadmin en SQL

Bajen todos los servicios de SQL, incluyendo el SQL Engine, Analisys Services, Reporting Services,...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 12/11/2012


Some days ago I visit a client on Puerto Rico that was having some performance problems on a...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 12/11/2012


Hace unos días visite un cliente en Puerto Rico que tenía problemas de rendimiento en...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 12/11/2012

Scheduling SharePoint 2010 backups

Hello Community, After many time of abscense I'm back to continue providing you with more...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 11/06/2012

Programación de respaldos automatizados para SharePoint 2010

Hola comunidad, Después de mucho tiempo regresamos a continuar con información que...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 11/06/2012

Analysis Services Tabular Mode vs Multidimensional Mode

A new feature in SQL Server 2012 is the tabular models in Analysis Services, and after facing some...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/25/2012

Analysis Services Tabular Mode contra Multidimensional Mode

Una nueva característica en SQL Server 2012 son los modelos tabulares de Analysis Services, y...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 07/25/2012

1° Simposio Latinoamericano de SQL Server

Estimados miembros de la Comunidad PFE LATAM y Comunidad SQL, el pasado Viernes 22 de Junio del 2012...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 06/27/2012

Unable to select disk from dropdown in Cluster Administrator

Hello everybody, this time I’m going to talk about a problem that it’s not related to...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 05/29/2012

Los discos no aparecen en la lista del Cluster Administrator

Hola a todos, esta vez les voy a hablar de tema que no esta relacionado con SQL Server directamente,...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 05/29/2012

El soporte para SharePoint Server 2010 finaliza en Julio 10,2012

Saludos comunidadRecientemente una nota acerca de la politica de Microsoft Support Lifecycle fue...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 05/11/2012

SharePoint Server 2010 Support ends on July 10,2012

Hello there communityRecently was released a note about Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy in which...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 05/11/2012

Install Service Pack 1 in your SharePoint 2010 farm to explore and take advantage of the new SQL 2012 features

Hi Technet community.Today I have the privilege to start write in this blog (and a little reward the...

Author: socrams Date: 04/25/2012

How to create or use unprotected audio files as ringtones in your Windows Phone 7

Hey there community, Today we will learn how to create and use WMA or MP3 files as ringtones in our...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 04/23/2012

Como crear o usar archivos no protegidos como tonos en tu Windows Phone 7

Una vez más trayendo para ustedes algo que pueda ser de utilidad. Desde que Microsoft...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 04/21/2012

Sexto Simposio Latinoamericano de SharePoint en México

Saludos comunidad, Esta vez no vamos a atormentarlos con más temas técnicos, esta vez...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 04/21/2012

"Parameterization" in SQL Server 2005/2008

One of the clients that I worked for has a fully transactional core database. This database is...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/14/2012

Parameterization en SQL Server 2005/2008

Uno de los clientes para los que labore posee una base de datos central completamente transaccional....

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/14/2012

Storage Area Network (SAN) for DBA's

During a chat with friends about getting a better performance of SQL Server, the following question...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2012

Storage Area Network (SAN) para DBA’s

Durante una plática con amigos sobre cómo obtener un mejor performance de SQL Server,...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2012

Integration Services Enhancements on SQL 2012

What is Integration Services? SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a tool to allow for...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2012

Mejoras de Integration Services en SQL 2012

¿Qué es Integration Services? Es una herramienta que permite obtener datos de diversas...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2012

Clustered DTC versus Local DTC

In the last 6 months I have faced two cases of linked servers between a SQL Server 2008 R2 Instance...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2012

Local DTC contra Clustered DTC

En los últimos 6 meses me encontré con 2 casos de linked servers entre una instancia...

Author: SQL by Edinson Medina Date: 04/09/2012

Instale Service Pack 1 a su granja SharePoint 2010 para explorar y aprovechar las nuevas características de SQL 2012

Un cordial saludo comunidad Technet. Hoy tengo el privilegio de comenzar a publicar ( y retribuir un...

Author: socrams Date: 04/03/2012

OpsMgr: Saved some overrides to Default Management Pack, didn’t you? – It’s simple to move them!

This article explains how to move overrides from the Default Management Pack to any other unsealed...

Author: Andre Felipe Lima Date: 03/27/2012

Como configurar FBA (Forms-Based Authentication) en SharePoint Server 2010 utilizando IIS 7 y ASP .NET Membership Database (SQL) como en MOSS 2007!!!

Saludos Comunidad, Después de hacer bastantes pruebas y dañar muchas máquinas...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 03/21/2012

How to configure FBA (Forms-Based Authentication) in SharePoint Server 2010 using IIS 7 and ASP .NET Membership Database (SQL) like in MOSS 2007!!!

After testing many times and configuring FBA in many Virtual environments, finally I think I wrote...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 03/16/2012

Hasta en la playa trabajamos felizmente en PFE, pueden creerlo? =)

Traduciendo a Español el post de nuestro colega Eduardo Nakahara! La semana pasada tuvimos un...

Author: Raymundo Vale Date: 03/13/2012

We happily work even on the beach, can you believe it? =)

Last week we had an internal event called GeekReady, where PFE’s all over LATAM (Latin...

Author: edunaka@live.com Date: 03/13/2012

Trabalhamos felizes até na praia, dá pra acreditar? =)

Semana passada tivemos um evento interno chamado GeekReady, onde os PFE’s de LATAM...

Author: edunaka@live.com Date: 03/13/2012

Cree Master Projects en Project Server (2007 y 2010)

Hola nuevamente! Esta vez daremos un vistazo muy breve a la creación de Master Projects y su...

Author: Gonzalo González Date: 02/20/2012

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