
Ready To Rock! Launch Event In Ottawa

I just heard the Dev track here in Ottawa is so full that people are sitting on the floor!  There are so many people who want to see the Dev Track presentations that they are actually having to turn people away at the door now!  That's how exciting these launch events are! 

I said yesterday that I would try to post some answers to the frequently asked question from the Cabana's, and since I've got a minute or two, I figured I'd post a few answers.

ASP Classic to ASP.NET Migration

There are a couple of tools available, and the best place to start is the MSDN website at https://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/migration/aspmig/aspmigasst/default.aspx

Atlas and AJAX

What the heck is Atlas?  It's the Microsoft ASP.NET representation of AJAX.  Check out https://atlas.asp.net/ for some great stuff, including a beta of Atlas for ASP.NET 2.0

WebParts In ASP.NET 2.0 and SharePoint Server

  • ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts will run on SharePoint Server with a 3rd party tool
  • SharePoint Web Parts will run ASP.NET 2.0
  • ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts will run on the next version of SharePoint Server (called Windows Sharepoint Server)

There are some great photos and other blogs about the event!  Check out https://blogs.msdn.com/mark_relph/default.aspx as a great place to start.