
Livre BLANC HP sur SQL Server 2008...

Après le très bon Optimizing HP Servers with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 voici un nouveau livre blanc HP sur SQL Server 2008.

Ce CFT (Customer Focused Testing ) couvre les résultats de tests faits par HP sur 3 nouvelles fonctionnalités clés :

  • Compression des sauvegardes
  • Resource Governor et
  • Chiffrement transparent des données (Transparent Data Encryption).

Voici la description de ce livre blanc :

Three new features of SQL Server 2008 are investigated in this paper: backup compression, Resource Governor, and transparent data encryption; and operational considerations and deployment recommendations are analyzed:

· Backup compression: Testing demonstrated that compression increased CPU utilization significantly, decreased the time needed to restore the database by as much as 68%, and was an easy way to save storage space when performing backup to file. image

· Resource Governor: Allows resource management capabilities for different workloads within the same SQL Server instance. Testing showed that Resource Governor allowed resources to be assigned for all the workloads and applications connected to SQL Server, to better fulfill the service-level agreement (SLA).


· Transparent data encryption: Provides increased database security by encrypting databases. Testing demonstrated that its impact on performance is not negligible and should be carefully considered when performance is a key criterion.


By leveraging the recommendations in this paper, administrators can assess the benefits of SQL Server 2008 in their own environments, and begin to plan and prepare for their SQL Server 2008 implementations.

C'est ici : https://h71028.www7.hp.com/enterprise/downloads/SQL2008EVAL_4AA1-7716ENW.pdf 
