
Video: Keynote von Steve Ballmer auf der CES 2010

Neben der Vorstellung der neuen Windows Tablet PCs gibt Steve Ballmer einen Überblick über kommende Entwicklungen.

Mein Kommentar: sehr spannend, lohnenswert!

Hier ein paar weitere Inhalte:

· We have great offerings for the many screens that are increasingly being woven into the fabric of our lives—from large screens to small. In particular, we will focus on the tremendous innovation and breadth of offerings in the PC world and peek into the future of the evolving TV experience.

· We’ll showcase the power of combining rich, immersive local software on Windows-based PCs and devices with cloud-based, intuitive services.

· We’ll discuss Natural User Interface, an area we have invested in heavily for 20 years, and one that we believe represents a large opportunity for delivering dramatically novel and compelling experiences over the next decade. 

Link zu der Keynote und anderen Videos:


Viel Spaß!

Andreas Dreyer