
Web App Instance Name and ARR affinity Mapping using Function App – Part-2


This Post is in continuation of Post :Web App Instance Name and ARR affinity Mapping using Function App – Part-1

as Part 2  Our next step is Outlining the things which we need to do :

Here are few things which we shall be doing step by step in upcoming post

Steps summary:

Creating and Setting up Service Principal (AAD Application ) :

  1. Creating Azure AAD App aka Service Principal.
  2. Noting down the Application Id of AAD app which is also known as Client Id or Service Principal Id
  3. Generating Key for that AAD app , which is knows as  Client Secret or Password.
  4. Assigning Reader role on subscription to  that service principal (AAD App)  so that it can read the resources of subscription and query ARM endpoints .

Creating a blank Function app and add application settings section entries.

  1. Note down Subscription id and Tenant Id from Azure Portal.
  2. Create a new Function App.
  3. Create Application settings for : Subscription id , Tenant Id , Application Id & Client Secret.

Deploy the Function App code & Test It:

  1. Download the function app from my GitHub Profile.
  2. Based on function app  (powershell or C# based) , accordingly choose the URL and pass-on any Web App’s name & its resource group Name which is up and running in your subscription in the   Query string / URL .
  3. Receive the response with Instance name & ARRAffinity mapping .

So if are excited about this automation ,then continue further part in  my next Post here :

Web App Instance Name and ARR affinity Mapping using Function App – Part-3