

Chris Koenig

Developer Evangelist

Chris Littlejohn’s Blog

“The adventures of a consultant”

Chris Lyon's WebLog

Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The GC

Chris Mayo's Blog - Languages, Frameworks, Tools...

What's happening in the world of Visual Studio, C# and frameworks.

Chris Mitchell

Data and Analytics Insights

Chris Nylen’s Windows Client Blog

Chris Parkes: A PC is not just for Christmas...

Chris Pollitt

Chris Pratley's Office Labs and OneNote Blog

A blog about Office Labs and OneNote from behind the scenes.

Chris Rathjen

Warning: May be "Jab myself in the eye with a pencil" geeky.

Chris Romp

Microsoft Technology Specialist for BizTalk, SOA and Process Platform in Northern California

Chris Schmidt’s Blog

thoughts on all things data

Chris Sienkiewicz's Blog

Random musings on a range of development subjects

Chris Smith's completely unique view

Algorithms, functional programming, CLR 4.0, and of course, F#!

Chris Vidotto's Blog

Microsoft Principal - Cloud, Data and Business Insights

Chris’s Performance Testing Blog

A place to learn about performance testing

Chris's Blog - Just weedin around Microsoft

Chris's Lync Blog

Covering Lync/Skype with an emphasis on development

Chris's SQL Developer Support Blog

Intermittent posts regarding SQL Developer Support topics focusing on Reporting Services and SharePoint integration.

Christian Binder

Less is so much more

Christian Geuer-Pollmann

Christian's MDM Blog

Blog about Microsoft Dynamics Marketing topics like: SDK, OData, Analytics, CRM Connector, and other cool stuff.

Christian's NAV Blog

Blog about Add-ins for the Role Tailored Client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV


System Center and App-V Fun...from an Automator's Point of View


Christofer Löf

Christophe Fiessinger's Blog

The latest news you need to know about Microsoft Enterprise Social & Project Portfolio Management

Christophe Lauer, My Microsoft Life

Think Different. Think for Yourself.

Christophe Pichaud on Microsoft Technologies

Native stuf. The C++ Renaissance. The world is built on C++ !

Christoph's Blog

Christy Henriksson

Currently focused on ASP.NET WebStack performance, among other things

Chronicles of a Web Developer

Chronicles of a Web Developer is Chandra Chivukula's observations on subjects related to web software development


Chubby Second Striker

Chuck Kiessling's Tech Blog

Chun Liu on SharePoint

my thought

Chun Yong Chua’s blog

Connecting the dots…

Cindy Gross: Small Bites of Big Data, Small Data, All Data

Small Bites of Big Data, Small Data, All Data for Hadoop, SQL Server, Hive, Distributed Systems, Scale Out....

Circular Logging Blog

CJ Rawson

cjAliaga Core

services.addShowsTracker(new TrackSeriesTv())

Claims-Based Identity Blog

Federated Identity and the Identity Metasystem. Our forum is located at https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/Geneva/threads

Clark Sell

ClassDesigner's WebLog

Claudio Da Silva

Blog about APS, BI & Analytics


Clausl's Dynamics NAV Blog

Clemens Schotte's Blog

Technical Evangelist at Microsoft

Clemens Vasters.

Tales from the land of cloud computing. From, well, how shall I say - up here?

Click Next >

Tips, tricks, and guides for the Click Next admin in all of us.

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